
  Iridology is an alternative medical method of diagnosis in which the eye iris is examined to investigate genetic predispositions. It combines the principles of science and traditional medicine.

  Iridology argues that every part of the iris corresponds to organs of the human body and that any sign or chromatic change in the iris reveals some kind of genetic sensitivity. The Iridologist, examining and analyzing this data, draws conclusions about the condition of the body tissues and about the condition of the organs.

  In this way, it can predict and prevent a disease before it is clinically manifested. It can also track the course of an illness, aggravation or cure, concluding whether a treatment is appropriate or not.

  Iridology is not an invasive method and has no side effects or risks for the patient. It's simple and painless.

What the iris reveals to us

Iridology by the iris analysis reveals:

  • The idiosyncrasy of the body, the so-called "rescue".
  • If there are genetic weaknesses and sensitivities and in which systems and organs.
  • The hereditary predispositions may be triggered and under what conditions.
  • The chronic problems of the body, acute conditions and inflammation.
  • The causes of the various symptoms that afflict the body.
  • Which instruments or systems are down.
  • If there are deficiencies of vitamins and trace elements.
  • What interactions exist in the body due to some systems or organs that are in a disorder and how important is the diet for all these situations.

Who is helpful

  • To those suffering from "strange" symptoms, which can not be explained by laboratory tests.

  • In patients where healthcare has failed but are determined to help themselves with alternatives.

  • To parents who are unable to identify a problem with their child.

  • Adopted children who want to verify their genetic predispositions.

  • In women who want a smooth and balanced diet in pregnancy.

  • Healthy people who want a personalized diet and lifestyle.

  • Every person who wants to learn from curiosity the root cause of the problem in his health.

  • Those who have a different approach to treatment methods, and are interested in balancing and strengthening their health.

The iridology in treating the disease

  Iridology is not a therapeutic method. Iridescent analysis may be extremely useful during treatment of a disease because it can indicate whether the treatment is going in good direction long before its effects appear otherwise to change its shape. In this way, it can help in a treatment of allopathic (pharmaco-chemical or physical) medicine, in a homeopathic medicine or even in an acupuncture or reflexology regimen as a success criterion for treatment.

  Irridoscopy can be combined with classic diagnostic tests to produce fuller conclusions about the health level of a patient.

The process of iridescopy and iris analysis

  The Iridologist receives a small patient's health history and then receives several photos of the iris of his two eyes. This is done with a dedicated camera (iridoscope), which is usually digital. Images are then analyzed using a special iridescent map and, sometimes, a special digital image processing program. The findings are taken into account with the patient's history and the final iris report for the patient is drawn up. This report may contain recommendations for further examinations or for a visit to another specialist in the wider health sector.

100% Immediate Results in 3 weeks
Angeliki Kokeridou - Niarchou, N.D., MSc, Prof.
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