Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga is a process that through the application of yoga philosophy and practice gives people the power to evolve towards better health and well-being.”.

  The field of healing yoga has begun to flourish and extend beyond the "world of yoga" as it is slowly becoming part of the complementary tools of the medical industry.

  Therapeutic Yoga is based on the holistic understanding that the human being is a complete body-mind-spirit system, which can achieve optimal functioning only when in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The highest goal of healing yoga is the person trained to be personally led to a deeper awareness, greater understanding and action towards his constant care.

  The holistic treatment provided for a variety of physical and psychological-emotional states of "illness" is determined and facilitated by personalized tools.

These tools vary:

- Yoga based body postures - asana
- breathing techniques - pranayama
- concentration techniques - meditation
- use of hymns and sounds - mantras
- mudras or therapeutic gestures that facilitate the energy system
- a variety of personalized relaxation techniques.

The evaluation process includes:

- an in-depth assessment of the attitudes that a person can do
- examining the movement range of the joints and muscle strength.
- exploration of respiratory motifs and other aspects of the energy body.
- a discussion on personal perceptions and needs - without any critical remarks.
- a simple dosha definition test and control of your heartbeat to determine your Ayurvedic temperament that directs the healing process.
- Facial diagnosis.
- Specific questions about your digestive function and lifestyle.

  The yoga therapist, focusing on the needs of your lifestyle, adapts and suggests specific attitudes and healing movements, breathing exercises, concentration and meditation tools exclusively for you. Characteristic of therapeutic yoga is personalized and customized treatment, as the predominant perception is that two people are never the same, although they may have similar symptoms. Your care is considered unique and invaluable and it is offered in an environment that is attentive, safe and confidential.


  Most physical / physical, emotional and mental states of "sickness" benefit significantly from therapeutic yoga. Among these situations are the following:

  • Addictions.
  • Asthma.
  • Back and neck pains.
  • Cancer.
  • Poor blood circulation.
  • Depression.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Low energy.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Poor body posture.
  • Muscle tension / general stiffness.
  • Poor balance.
  • Sciatica.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Weak immune system.

  The goal of the healer through yoga is to help the individual manage his condition, restore his balance, increase his vitality and awaken his essential nature.

The steps of approaching therapeutic yoga:

1. Your personal session starts with either an email, a phone call or a first visit.

2. An evaluation session. The evaluation includes the information questionnaire, a body scan and then a thorough analysis of the attitudes you can perform and your breathing. In this phase we will look at the specific areas that you are concerned with, examining even more the range of motion and muscle strength of their areas.

3. Follow an Ayurvedic assessment to get a deeper and clearer picture of your needs. From this session, you will find the plan on which your treatment course will be based.

  The goal of the Therapist through Yoga is NOT to keep you indefinitely as a personal client. Instead, the goal is to enable you to take on your healing course and to connect you again with the good of your life. Each patient's needs are different. Some may only need 3 to 5 sessions, while others may need more.

100% Immediate Results in 3 weeks
Angeliki Kokeridou - Niarchou, N.D., MSc, Prof.
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